Tuesday, December 21, 2004

So this powerpoint lark hasn't been working out too well, with my complete inability to have my powerpoint files work on my webpage. So ... over Christmas I will see what I can do to translate rather than convert the powerpoint files into simple html webpages. So, that will mean the SEM paper, "It seems to be getting worseā€¯: Intellectual Property, Discursive Feedback, and the Commodification of Ethnomusicology," which I presented at the Society for Ethnomusicology annual conference in Tucson, Arizona, on November 6, 2004, and also the presentation, "Towards a Theory of Expansionary Enclosure: The Elimination of Uncertainty and the Architectures of Commodification," which I presented at the Bakhtin Centre of the University of Sheffield on November 23, 2004.