Saturday, October 22, 2005

Theoretical Model of Enclosure (Diagram)

I realise that it's sort of difficult to make sense of diagrams without the accompanying theoretical exposition, but summary diagrams that accompany my theoretical work are now up on my website at They offer a social interactional model of the structuring of expectation. If you can manage to make sense of them at all (there is supporting material elsewhere on the site), comments welcome. If you can't, questions welcome :)

[Gloss, which I should really put on the diagrams!: the more the 'influence' variable ascends the pyramid, the more directive the influencing of structuring of expectation ... the more the 'affect' variable ascends the pyramid the more intense the affective experience ... the more the 'meaning' variable ascends the pyramid the more the discursive quality of the meaning is associated with 'the "elimination" of uncertainty']